
Our chiropractic services are designed to help you manage pain, improve mobility, and enhance your overall quality of life. Our team of experienced chiropractors uses a range of evidence-based techniques, including Graston, Dry Needling, Cupping, Deep Tissue, Adjustment, Laser Therapy, Hyperbaric Chamber, Auto Accidents, and Spinal Decompression, to address the root cause of your pain and discomfort.



Hyperbaric Chamber

Laser Therapy

Auto Accidents

Spinal Decompression


In chiropractic care, the Graston Technique is a pivotal manual therapy that chiropractors utilize, employing specialized stainless steel instruments to diagnose and remedy soft tissue injuries. Here’s how it integrates into the chiropractic framework:

  • Enhanced Mobility: Chiropractor adjustments, including the Graston Technique, are instrumental in augmenting the range of motion in impacted joints and muscles, facilitating smoother execution of daily activities and enhancing overall wellness.
  • Alleviation of Discomfort: Through the strategic application of this technique, chiropractors adeptly diminish scar tissue and bolster blood circulation, significantly mitigating pain and inflammation for a more comfortable and active lifestyle.
  • Expedited Healing: The Graston Technique is a cornerstone in the arsenal of sports and wellness chiropractors. It speeds up recovery by efficiently breaking down scar tissue and improving blood flow, thus swiftly restoring athletes and active individuals to their peak physical condition.
  • Non-Surgical Solution: Esteemed for its non-invasive nature, this technique offers a safe and effective alternative to surgical interventions. It is a preferred choice within chiropractic care for enhancing patient wellness without requiring invasive procedures.
  • Broad Application: Whether it’s addressing tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, or a spectrum of other soft tissue ailments, the Graston Technique is a versatile tool that sports and wellness chiropractors leverage to treat a diverse range of conditions, underscoring its integral role in comprehensive chiropractic treatment plans.

Overall, the Graston Technique is a highly beneficial component of chiropractic therapy, offering many advantages for those grappling with soft tissue injuries, and is a testament to the innovative approaches that chiropractors embrace in promoting health and wellness.


Chiropractic adjustments are a cornerstone in manual therapy, where chiropractors expertly apply controlled force to joints using their hands or specialized devices to reestablish proper alignment and enhance bodily function. Here are the key advantages and the safety profile associated with chiropractic adjustments:

  • Alleviation of Pain: Employing chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors can significantly alleviate discomfort stemming from joint dysfunctions, muscle imbalances, and various other health issues, thereby promoting overall wellness.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: These adjustments are pivotal in enhancing the range of motion, contributing to greater mobility and flexibility, a fundamental aspect of sports and wellness chiropractic care.
  • Inflammation Reduction: A hallmark of chiropractic care, adjustments are crucial in diminishing inflammation and fostering the healing process in affected areas, underscoring the therapeutic value of chiropractic interventions.
  • Optimized Nerve Function: By realigning joints and alleviating nerve pressure, chiropractic adjustments ensure improved nerve function, essential for maintaining the body’s optimal performance and wellness.
  • Safety and Tolerance: Recognized for their safety, chiropractic adjustments are generally well-received by patients, with serious complications being a rarity, often linked to pre-existing conditions or improper application of techniques.
  • Non-Surgical Approach: As a non-invasive therapeutic option, chiropractic adjustments offer a safe and effective alternative to conventional surgical treatments, highlighting the non-invasive ethos of chiropractic care.

Overall, chiropractic adjustments provide many benefits for individuals dealing with joint dysfunctions, muscle imbalances, and other health concerns, emphasizing the importance of consulting with a skilled sports and wellness chiropractor for a tailored and safe treatment regimen.

Laser Therapy

Therapeutic laser therapy, often referred to as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), stands as a cornerstone in non-invasive treatment modalities, utilizing low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to invigorate cellular function and foster healing. Here’s how it aligns with chiropractic care, particularly within the sports and wellness chiropractor’s toolkit:

  • Pain Management: A key benefit of therapeutic laser therapy within chiropractic adjustments is its efficacy in mitigating pain from various conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and nerve injuries, thereby enhancing patient wellness.
  • Accelerated Healing: By stimulating ATP production, which is vital for energy transfer within cells, therapeutic laser therapy aids in hastening the body’s natural healing processes, a principle highly valued in chiropractic care.
  • Inflammation Reduction: Integral to the sports and wellness chiropractor’s approach, therapeutic laser therapy effectively curtails inflammation, thereby aiding in the healing process and alleviating discomfort.
  • Non-Invasive Approach: Reflecting the chiropractic commitment to non-invasive treatment, therapeutic laser therapy offers a safe and efficient alternative to conventional invasive methods.
  • Efficient Treatment Sessions: With treatment times spanning just a few minutes, therapeutic laser therapy aligns with the fast-paced needs of patients, making it a favored choice in chiropractic practices for its convenience.
  • Safety Profile: Esteemed for its safety, therapeutic laser therapy is associated with minimal side effects, with skin irritation or discomfort being rare occurrences, thus upholding the safety standards of chiropractic care.

In essence, therapeutic laser therapy is an invaluable adjunct to chiropractic adjustments, offering a multitude of benefits for patients grappling with pain and other health issues, underscoring the importance of consulting a qualified sports and wellness chiropractor for a comprehensive and safe treatment strategy.

Hyperbaric Chamber

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a cutting-edge treatment that involves inhaling 100% pure oxygen in a specially designed pressurized chamber, often set at two to three times the normal atmospheric pressure. This innovative approach has significant implications in the realm of chiropractic care, particularly for sports and wellness chiropractors who are dedicated to optimizing healing and recovery. Here are the key benefits and safety aspects of HBOT in this context:

  • Accelerated Healing: By dramatically increasing the oxygen levels delivered to bodily tissues, HBOT fosters a conducive environment for healing, significantly reducing inflammation, a principle highly regarded by chiropractors in promoting patient wellness.
  • Effective Pain Management: HBOT has been shown to alleviate pain associated with a wide range of conditions such as wounds, infections, and trauma, aligning with the chiropractic goal of holistic pain relief.
  • Immune System Boost: The enhanced oxygen supply to tissues during HBOT sessions can strengthen the immune system, aiding the body in combating infections and facilitating recovery, a key component of comprehensive chiropractic care.
  • Decreased Swelling: By reducing swelling, HBOT contributes to the healing process and diminishes discomfort, complementing chiropractic adjustments and therapies aimed at restoring patient health and mobility.
  • Safety and Compliance: Recognized for its safety, HBOT is most effective and secure when administered by qualified healthcare professionals, adhering to strict protocols, mirroring the safety standards upheld in chiropractic practices.
  • FDA Recognition: With its approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating a range of conditions including carbon monoxide poisoning and delayed radiation injury, HBOT is validated as a reputable and effective treatment, enhancing its integration into chiropractic care plans.

In summary, HBOT emerges as a highly beneficial therapy within the chiropractic field, especially for sports and wellness chiropractors focused on expediting recovery and enhancing overall patient wellness. Consulting with a knowledgeable healthcare provider is essential to ensure the safe and effective application of HBOT in a treatment regimen.

Auto Accidents

An auto accident encompasses incidents with one or more vehicles and may also include interactions with other “moving objects” like pedestrians or cyclists. Often, these accidents involve collisions with stationary objects such as trees, walls, or parked cars.

Such incidents can lead to a variety of injuries, notably whiplash and spinal misalignments, which fall squarely within the expertise of chiropractors, particularly those specializing in sports and wellness. Our chiropractors are adept at addressing injuries sustained from auto accidents, offering tailored chiropractic adjustments and therapies to facilitate recovery and alleviate any pain or discomfort resulting from the accident.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical approach designed to alleviate back pain and enhance spinal wellness, utilizing a specialized apparatus to gently elongate the spine, easing the strain on discs and nerves. This therapy is integral to chiropractic care, particularly for sports and wellness chiropractors focusing on holistic, non-invasive treatments. The key advantages of spinal decompression therapy include:

  • Effective Pain Alleviation: This therapy is highly effective in mitigating discomfort associated with various spinal conditions, such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica, a cornerstone of chiropractic adjustments for pain relief.
  • Enhanced Mobility: By improving flexibility and mobility, spinal decompression therapy empowers individuals to lead an active, pain-free life, aligning with the objectives of sports and wellness chiropractic care.
  • Non-Surgical Solution: As a non-invasive treatment, spinal decompression therapy offers a safe and viable alternative to surgical interventions, reflecting the chiropractic commitment to non-surgical health solutions.
  • Safety and Compliance: When administered by a qualified healthcare provider, spinal decompression therapy is recognized for its safety, adhering to established protocols that are fundamental in chiropractic practice.
  • FDA Approval: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has endorsed spinal decompression therapy for managing back pain and related conditions, affirming its efficacy and safety within the realm of chiropractic care.

Overall, spinal decompression therapy represents a significant non-surgical therapeutic option within chiropractic practice, offering substantial benefits for those experiencing back pain and spinal issues. Consulting with a skilled sports and wellness chiropractor ensures a tailored, safe, and effective treatment regimen.

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